Twisted Thinking

Dear People Who Keep Company With God, Years ago God was working mightily in my heart and I saw a vision of myself. I looked like a pretzel all twisted up and the Father began to untwist and straighten me. And then I saw an iron and an ironing board. The Father placed...

You Are What You Think

Dear People Who Keep Company With God, Words are powerful. We can frame our world with words laced with doubt, cynicism and fear, or with words of faith (Heb. 11: 3). Eugene Peterson said it like this, “Words are not just saying something; they are making something.”...

Living In The Wide Open Spaces

Dear People Who Keep Company With God, I think most of us would like our faith to simplify some things, answer some questions and settle issues of life. And it does, but not always. For instance, we would love to know why everyone who believes God for healing is not...

Testimony: I Feel Fortunate

“ I feel so fortunate to have received so much help from the church through the healing room sessions I have attended and the Wellness Center time with you and Angel and the Sozo ministry sessions with Tim Ulrich. It is though God opened the door to this support...

Testimony: Decrease in Meds

Multiple serious, incurable medical diagnoses.  14 scheduled meds, 2 as needed, 4 supplements:  between 25-30 pills a day. Stopped diabetes, stopped one pain med, decreased med for anxiety, decrease med for depression and pain, stopped supplements!!!!

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