Living From The Heart

Dear People Who Keep Company With God, In the New Testament there are two words for time; one is chronos, our watches and calendars record chronos time.  The other word is kairos; it means “the appointed time in the purpose of God, the time when God acts.” Mark...

The Way of an Eagle

Dear People Who Keep Company With God,  It has been said that eagles are to the air what lions are to the earth. Lions are the kings of beast and eagles are the kings of the air. That is so true because in Exodus 19:4 God likens Himself to an eagle. The eagle is...

Regarding Monthly Tapestry Meetings

Hello Ladies, As of now we will not have a monthly Tapestry meeting again until late summer! Being such a busy time for many, we thought it would be a nice time for a break. Hopefully some of you ladies will make plans to meet in smaller groups, to love and encourage...

Wild Goose Chase

Dear People Who Keep Company With God, I believe the metaphor of the Holy Spirit as a dove is one of the highest revelations of the Spirit. After all, that is the way He came upon Jesus. Thinking of the Holy Spirit like a natural dove, quiet, calming and peaceful...

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