Dear People Who Keep Company With God,

invisible kingdom photoOne day as I read 2 Corinthians 4:16, the phrase, “we do not lose heart” jumped off the page at me. At that moment, it was like a light turned on in my heart. I became acutely aware that somewhere along the journey of life I had lost heart. I wasn’t living from my heart. I had lost touch with my true self.

It was surprising that Paul said the way to keep from losing heart was by “seeing the invisible”. At first, I thought that has to be the most ridiculous thing ever. How in the world can anyone “see the invisible?” How will that help you not lose heart?

For a long time, it seemed like I had been stuck in a spiritually dark room feeling my way around, bumping into stuff. If you have ever stumped your toe on a piece of furniture in the middle of the night you can imagine how disheartening it would be to live your spiritual life like that. But now, the Father of whose heart I was allowed to touch was turning the light on in my own heart.

Everything that we see with our physical eyes is, in fact, temporal and passing away, but the things that can only be perceived by spiritual insight, by revelation, including the perception of the heavenly things which are beyond this visible earthly dimension are the things that are eternal.

If we are stuck in a world where all we can see is the same thing every non-believers sees then we can’t help but lose heart. However, when we are born again, we are given a different spiritual vantage point that is no longer restricted by the earthly viewpoint of the world (2 Cor. 5:16-17).

All of us have spiritual eyes to see, but they need enlightenment, they need a touch from God. We can get this touch by just asking for it. I know that sounds really simple. It is so simple that it is easy to dismiss. Yet, one of the greatest prayers in the Bible focuses on this all-important touch from God.

In Ephesians 1: 17-18 Paul prayed that the “Father of glory, may give us the spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of our heart being enlightened.” Paul didn’t pray that God would open our eyes, but rather we would have light to see. I had the capacity to “see,” but I didn’t see very clearly. I needed God’s light in my heart. The Spirit of wisdom and revelation brings God’s light into our hearts.

That prayer will change your life. It will turn the lights on in that spiritually dark room. You will begin to see the invisible. I started seeing the Father’s heart for people. I felt their pain and sadness, dreams and hopes. I saw what He wanted to do for them. I have seen the future, angels, demons, lights, colors and some unexplainable things. Visions and dreams have become a regular part of my life. To some degree, that is God’s norm for all of us. 

I also learned what hinders the flow of the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in our hearts. This is also very simple. A lack of gratitude and dishonoring thoughts turns the lights off. “Although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” (Rom. 1:21)

Above all, Jesus told us a loveless world is a sightless world (John 14:21). If we will immerse ourselves in the Father’s love and give that love away, we will see the invisible (1 Cor. 2:9).

Many Blessings, BW


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