Days of Elijah

Days of Elijah

October 30, 2016 - Byron Wicker

The Days of Elijah are dark days. They are not days of revival. They are days of moral and spiritual darkness, judgments, droughts and conflicts We may be in the days of Elijah. Elijah suddenly appears on the scene. We are told little about him. One day he just emerges out of obscurity. There is no mention of his parents, his ancestry and that is not the norm in Scripture especially for people who play such an important role in the history and future of God’s kingdom. He was from the ranks of the ordinary men and women of Israel. Nothing special about him. Before the second return of Christ, the spirit that rested on Elijah will again rest on people. He is looking for the ordinary man and woman who will say, yes to the spirit and power of Elijah.

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