
Dear People Who Keep Company with God, When the first English colonist landed in the United States 400 years ago it would have been expected that they would claim the land for king and country. Instead, Robert Hunt the Anglican minister with the party claimed the land...

The Winds are Shifting

Dear People Who Keep Company with God, Recently I have been asked by pastor friends about what the Lord is currently doing at Riverlife, I have been telling them something along these lines; The Lord is stretching us again, He is transitioning us from a time of...

Passion for Revival

Dear People Who Keep Company with God, One of the exercises I recently assigned the students at Christ School of Ministry was to write a paper on their passions. The Bible uses the word zeal for what we call passion today (John 2:17). The purpose of the exercise was...


Dear People Who Keep Company with God, You have heard me say that much of what the Lord has been doing with our church was getting us from where we were spiritually a year ago to where He desires us to be at an accelerated pace. I believe that this time of...

The School of Heavenly Silence

Dear People Who Keep Company With God, In the last two years the Lord has lead me on a journey of learning to ‘see’ the invisible (2 Cor. 4:18). The best way I can describe ‘seeing’ the invisible is being conscious or aware of the spiritual...

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