Dear People Who Keep Company With God,

I am going through a heart transition. By definition a transition is (a): passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another, change. (b): a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another. Looking at those definitions it is apparent we all are in transition whether we know it or not. Our nation, the Mideast and the world economy are certainly in one of the greatest transitions possibly in modern history.

In the past, I would go through transition and it was not real noticeable by those around me until I got through it. You see, I was very clever to hide what was going on inside of me. I use the word clever sarcastically. The truth is I lived in the shadows of rejection, poverty and insecurity. Finally and thankfully, this started to catch up with me. It had taken a great toll on my life, relationships and ministry. I was at the point of losing heart and I was desperately seeking the Lord for answers. One day He revealed the wonderful and forever life-changing scriptures in 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 to me.

Those scriptures launched me out of that shadowy world into the glorious liberty of knowing that I am a beloved son of the Father of Glory. For me, that was the beginning of living out of my heart. It has been a process for sure, and there is a down side to it, but I would not trade it for anything. It is the only way to live the Christian life. When Jesus said, “I am the way…” this is some of what He is talking about.

Seeing the invisible is the way to not lose heart. I am praying for it everyday. If you are not praying that way, why not start? Read Ephesians 1:15-19. However, living from your heart can be treacherous and that is why I love the book of Psalms, because it reveals living from the heart on its best and worst days. It is messy, ugly and down right sad at times, but the beauty of the Lord always shines through in the end. So when I am going through my transitions and am all over the proverbial road, I remember David and the rest of the Psalmist.

Here is what I want you to see, the very areas where the enemy took advantage of and tried to destroy me – rejection, insecurity and poverty are the very areas where God and the word of His grace is building me up and beginning to give me an inheritance (Acts 20:32). Whatever particular weakness, affliction or reproach you have been plagued with in life, living from the heart exposes them so God can give you the healing and grace to not only overcome them but have the glorious opposite.

Folks, it is time to get rid of those grave clothes of yesterday and put on the garments of grace so we can get on with being real and really living. He wants to reveal His Beauty in the earth.

Many Blessings, BW

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