“Moses responded, “Then show me your glorious presence.” Exodus 33:18

Dear People Who Keep Company with God,

Moses hungered to know God and His ways, so he asked Him to let him see His glorious presence (Exodus 33:13-18). You might think Moses had already seen plenty of the Lord’s glory. And he had. From his staff turning into a snake, the plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, and the burning bush, Moses had seen more glory than anybody else but still desired a more profound and precious revelation of God’s glory. Moses knew there was more to God than he had experienced. He wanted to see God as he talked to God, face-to-face. He didn’t get to see God’s face, but God answered him by declaring His attributes, saying, “I am the Lord, and I am compassionate, I am gracious, I am patient, I am overflowing with love, I am faithful, I am forgiving, and I am just.” (Exodus 35:5-7) That is what His glory is all about. It is God’s attributes, nature, and character revealed. If we were to ask God for a revelation of His glory, we are saying, “Lord, let me experience your very character and nature.”

When His presence rests on a person or a gathering, there will be an increase in love, goodness, salvation, healing, and deliverance. The prophetic will flow, miracles, and demonstrations of the Spirit’s power will be evident. Truth is we already have His glorious presence living in us. “Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory.” (Colossians 1:27) We have the potential to express God’s glory here on earth if we believe when we ask Him to show His glory. Lazarus died and lay in the tomb for four days, and Jesus told his sister, Martha, that if she believed, she would see the glory of God, and she did (John 11:40). Martha wasn’t perfect. She struggled with distractions, worry, and had a works mentality, but none of it disqualified her. She saw the glory and got her brother back from an early death because she believed the one who radiates God’s glory and expresses the very character of God (Hebrews 1:3).

Jesus promised to not only love you but also reveal Himself to you (John 14:21). He specifically prayed that you would see His glory (John 17:24). The Apostle Paul gave us a prayer that will help us see. He prayed that we would receive the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to know Jesus Christ. When the Spirit of wisdom and revelation flows in us, the eyes of our hearts are enlightened. With our enlightened eyes of faith, we can see that we have inherited Christ, and His glory (Ephesians 1:15-18). How amazing it is that in Christ, you can know more of God’s glory than Moses, with all that he saw! More excellent experiences of His goodness, love, and power are available because you belong to Christ. You have to believe that God desires to make Himself known to you. Moses prayed based on the things that God had told him, and God answered his prayer. That is how you should pray, and God will answer your prayer to see His glory.

Many Blessings, BW

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