Dear People Who Keep Company With God,

In 2007, I had a dream that has never left my heart. In the dream, I was in a church meeting that was made up of immigrants. The pastor abruptly left the church service and went to the mall, leaving Becky and myself to minister to the immigrants. I was bewildered at Passport immigration stampwhat he did, but we took the opportunity to give those people one of our most precious revelations, the Presence and power of the Spirit of Adoption.

The dream ended in a very moving way as the immigrants wept and pleaded with us for their children. That we would make sure their children would receive this precious treasure we carry in our hearts.

The hand of the Lord was on me for days after the dream and I have thought about it a lot over the years. It is one of those dreams that I am certain is from God, but the meaning of the dream was not yet revealed. 

While in the UK, I remembered the dream. As I  walked the streets of London, I had a strong sense that this awesome nation was slowly losing its national identity. I don’t know all the reasons for this, but I think immigration plays a part in it.

The UK is currently experiencing an unsustainable level of immigration. Their economy cannot adequately feed, house and care for all the new arrivals. The greater the number of new arrivals, the harder it is for everyone to become fully integrated into society. The new arrivals become isolated and angry because they do not have a sense of belonging to their new nation.

Many nations, including ours face violence and instability as a result of increasing pluralism and diversity. Particularly in Europe, immigration has led to unassimilated, mostly Muslim communities that foster unrest, crime and even terrorism.

People want something more than just residence or a vague opportunity or even welfare benefits. Most people need to feel that they belong to something larger than themselves.

Immigration is also reshaping the face of America and the ways in which we understand and identify ourselves. I think political correctness and fear are driving the conversation more than truth, faith and the intention of God for our nation and the nations of the world.

We are a nation of immigrants. We all are the offspring of immigrants and that has been one our nation’s strengths, but the enemy is twisting the truth and causing division and clashes between cultures and races.

This is prophesied by Jesus as a sign of the times we live in (Matt. 24:7). He was telling us this will be the condition of the world, but don’t be afraid or become angry, rather bring Him and His kingdom into the darkness. It is part of our assignment. We are here to be salt and light.

In my dream, the pastor just walked away and went shopping at the mall, but God is anointing us to embrace the immigrants and arise and give our greatest treasure to those who knowingly and unknowingly long for Him.

I think Isaiah 66:8 ask a question that is aimed at what is going on in the world today, “Can a nation be saved in a day?” The answer is “Yes!” And the Lord is saying to us now, “Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your days—You would not believe if you were told.” (Hab.1:5)

Many Blessings, BW


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