Save the date 2013

Save the date:

October 18 – 20    Friday/Saturday/Sunday


Wind of the Spirit Fall Mountain Retreat

 Featuring our very own special guest speaker…  Becky Wicker 

We are pleased to announce… 

This year’s retreat has been moved from our usual Thursday – Saturday to Friday – Sunday to accommodate those of you who have expressed your difficulty in taking time off from work and/or finding childcare. 

The retreat is only a short six months away. So go ahead submit your day-off request, line up childcare and if you put aside $20 per month (skip a Starbucks a week); you will have enough to pay for the retreat plus have extra for gas & food on your way up.

The cost remains at $100 for 2 nights/4 meals, which is amazing! Our research has shown as we looked at other facilities, we would have to pay 2-3x’s this amount. The folks at High Pastures have always offered us amazing flexibility, comfort, privacy and an atmosphere unmatched, not to mention this price includes 4 meals.

So excited,

Becky, Rhonda & Paula

Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’” Ezekiel 37:9

Any questions please call:  Rhonda – 704.528.8000 or Paula – 704.500.2642

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