How Should We Interpret And Respond To This Pivotal Moment In World History

How Should We Interpret And Respond To This Pivotal Moment In World History

October 09, 2022 - Jim Hill

Do not buy into the media’s lie that we are in a battle between the left and the right in the political realm. We are in a battle between the Heavenly realm and the satanic realm. We need to see who we align with as vertical as opposed to left or right. We should align with the Biblical principles revealed in the scriptures and with what the Holy Spirit is saying to His body today in the nations. All the nations are being shaken in the same shaker at the same time.

Eph. 6:10 – Take up the whole armor of God and stand. Martin Luthor quote: “If I profess with the loudest voice and the clearest expression of every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little portion which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ. No matter how boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proven.”

Luke 12:26 – We can interpret the present times. – We are moving through a period of time that is historic. World wide all the nations are facing the same kind of shaking. But there is an army of God that is rising up that is going to engage those satanic lies on a level we have never seen before. We are going to see in the next season of church history a move of God that will actually cause whole nations to stand up on their hind legs and declare that they are for Biblical principles. We are being provoked into it.

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