• This Morning: For the Joy of the Word— 9:00-9:50 a.m. in the Youth Room in RiverLife’s back building. For the Joy of the Word is a fun year-long journey through the Bible with Holy Spirit as our guide. We look at the references to Jesus, the hand of the Father, and the work of the Holy Spirit in each book. On Sunday mornings we introduce the new readings for the week (examining culture, history, location, historical timeline, etc.) and discuss the exciting things we’ve learned during the past week. We are reading the Old Testament alongside the New Testament, with Psalms and Proverbs. Anyone is welcome! You can also join our Facebook group discussion. Contact Cindy [[email protected] / 704-488-9350] for more information.
  • This Afternoon: Rio de Vida (Hispanic Ministry) Fellowship Meal— After the morning worship service, Rio de Vida will gather in the back building to share a Thanksgiving meal and time of fellowship. Contact Luis & Novah for more information [980-292-1242 / [email protected]].
  • Monday: Knowing His Heart (Mooresville)— 7:00 p.m. at the Croley’s house. Jim Hill, the Senior Pastor & International Director of His Heart Missions, leads our Bible study group on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month. We focus on learning the ways of God—from Scripture and personal testimonies—to equip us in hearing and walking with God in the times we now live. For more info, contact Sue [[email protected] / 704-450-7318].
  • Tuesday: Women in the Word— 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the Prayer Room. Women in the Word is a Bible study and fellowship group led by Rhonda Bumgarner, that meets on the 1st, 3rd (and sometimes 5th) Tuesdays of the month. This Fall we will delve deeper into the Sunday messages as well as enjoy fellowship and prayer. We are about sharing our hearts, developing relationships and getting into the Word. Everyone is welcome! If you would like more information, please contact Rhonda [704-528-8000 / [email protected]].
  • Tuesday, Nov 20 to Monday, Nov 26: Church Office Closed— Happy Thanksgiving!

Psalm 100 (TPT)
Praise God:  A poetic song for thanksgiving.

Lift up a great shout of joy to the Lord!
Go ahead and do it—everyone, everywhere!
As you serve Him, be glad and worship Him.
Sing your way into His presence with joy!
And realize what this really means—
we have the privilege of worshiping the Lord our God.
For He is our Creator and we belong to Him.
We are the people of His pleasure.
You can pass through His open gates with the password of praise.
Come right into His presence with thanksgiving.
Come bring your thank offering to Him
and affectionately bless His beautiful name!
For the Lord is always good and ready to receive you.
He’s so loving that it will amaze you—
so kind that it will astound you!
And He is famous for His faithfulness toward all.
Everyone knows our God can be trusted,
for He keeps His promises to every generation!

The Father’s Table provides food assistance to families in our fellowship and community. Food and monetary donations are welcome! For monetary donations, use our app or put “Father’s Table” on the memo line of your gift.
This Week’s Father’s Table Holiday Needs:
Please consider supporting the Father’s Table by purchasing any of the following items:

  • Turkeys (contact Barbara [[email protected] / 704-664-3540, extension #3] for details)
  • Stuffing Mix, Gravy Mix, Macaroni & Cheese
  • Canned Green Beans, Yams & Cranberry Sauce
  • Frozen Dinner Rolls, Frozen Pies
  • Cake & Dessert Mixes
  • Friday, November 30: Children’s Ministry Pizza, Popcorn & Movie Night— from 6:00-9:00 p.m. in RiverLife’s main building sanctuary. We will watch The Incredibles 2 (Rated PG). Kids are free to come in their PJ’s and bring a blanket/pillow. We will be serving regular & gluten free pizza, popcorn, juice pouches & water.  Please Note: If your child has a special dietary need, please provide their dinner for the night. For our planning purposes, please RSVP by emailing [email protected]. We look forward to spending time with the kids! And we hope you enjoy some free time for a date night, shopping, etc.
  • Sunday, December 2: Church Directory Deadline— It’s time to publish a new church directory! There are 3 ways to add or update your contact information and/or photo:  1) the online form,  2) the fillable pdf form,  or  3) the paper form (available in the foyer). If you have any questions, contact Paula [[email protected]].

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