• This Morning: For the Joy of the Word— 9:00-9:50 a.m. in the Youth Room in RiverLife’s back building. For the Joy of the Word is a fun year-long journey through the Bible with Holy Spirit as our guide. We look at the references to Jesus, the hand of the Father, and the work of the Holy Spirit in each book. On Sunday mornings we introduce the new readings for the week (examining culture, history, location, historical timeline, etc.) and discuss the exciting things we’ve learned during the past week. We are reading the Old Testament alongside the New Testament, with Psalms and Proverbs. Anyone is welcome! You can also join our Facebook group discussion. Contact Cindy [[email protected] / 704-488-9350] for more information.
  • Tuesday: Church Office Reopens
  • Tuesday: Tidal Wave (Middle School Youth in Grades 6-8)— 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the church’s back building. For more info, contact Stacy [704-763-5389 / [email protected]].
  • Wednesday: Intercessory Prayer Meeting— 9:30-11:00 a.m. in the Prayer Room. Contact Sue [[email protected]] for additional information.
  • Wednesday: High School Youth— 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the church’s back building. Email Cory [[email protected]] for details.
  • Friday: Children’s Ministry Pizza, Popcorn & Movie Night— from 6:00-9:00 p.m. in RiverLife’s main building sanctuary. We will watch The Incredibles 2 (Rated PG). Kids are free to come in their PJ’s and bring a blanket/pillow. We will be serving regular & gluten free pizza, popcorn, juice pouches & water.  Please Note: If your child has a special dietary need, please provide their dinner for the night. For our planning purposes, please RSVP by emailing [email protected]. We look forward to spending time with the kids! And we hope you enjoy some free time for a date night, shopping, etc.
  • Sunday, December 2: Church Directory Deadline— It’s time to publish a new church directory! There are 3 ways to add or update your contact information and/or photo:  1) the online form,  2) the fillable pdf form,  or  3) the paper form (available in the foyer). If you have any questions, contact Paula [[email protected]].
  • Sunday, December 2: Camp Morley Bake Sale— Remember to bring some extra pocket money to church next Sunday so that you can enjoy fresh baked goods before and after the service! Proceeds will support our youth summer camp.
  • Monday, December 3: Sojourn Women’s Ministry— Plan to join us at 7:00 p.m. at the Salty Caper in Mooresville for our December Girls’ Night Out.

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