A Mighty Rushing River

Byron Wicker
Byron Wicker
March 29, 2023
Read time
Raging River
“But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out.” John 19:34

Dear People Who Keep Company with God

Years ago, I had a vision during worship on a Sunday morning. First, I saw Jesus’s mangled, lifeless body hanging on the cross. It was a horrifying sight. Next, I saw the Roman soldier jab the spear into Jesus’s side, and the water and blood poured out on the ground. I heard, “The headwaters of the River of Life were released into the earth that day.” The life of God is like a mighty, rushing river flowing from the Throne of God and the side of Christ (Revelation 22:1). Throughout the Scriptures, the imagery of God’s River speaks of the abundance of life, provision, joy, and gladness.

The River of God is beginning to flow with increased intensity but not as we have known it before. It is not just refreshing and renewal. Instead, it will become deeper and bring new revelations and anointing to the church and us individually. There is power in His River that we have yet to experience. The Holy Spirit is drawing us to Jesus’ side, where the blood and water flowed, and from this place of relational closeness, the Lord will reveal Himself in ways we have never experienced. There are mysteries of Christ yet to be revealed (Ephesians 3:4). And the Lord will cast a broader, more extensive net into the sea of humanity. As a result, many backsliders and those who have never known Christ’s love will be welcomed into the home of His heart.

Our agenda and plans may be disrupted as the Holy Spirit River flows with greater force. Throughout history, there has always been a challenge to the status quo whenever there is a Holy Spirit revival. By nature, we become accustomed to our routines, and it is easy to be thrown off when God breaks into human affairs. In these times, we must become like a child and surrender. Jesus was once asked by His disciples who was the greatest in the kingdom; He answered…

“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” (Matthew 18:3-5)

Jesus’ point was that the most important, fulfilling, and fruitful things in life are found in being childlike. You cannot be in control and be in the River of God simultaneously. The humble heart attracts the Presence of the Lord. Just as there is no river on earth that you step up to enter, it is with the River of the Holy Spirit. You always step down to flow with Him. You don’t have to strive, work, or struggle. Humility will place you in and keep you in the flow of the River of God. This means giving up control and direction and allowing His River to take you where it will. And He always takes us to good places.

Many Blessings, BW

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