Dear People Who Keep Company With God,

I highly recommend our friend Michele Perry’s book titled, “An Invitation To The Supernatural Life.” I was blessed to offer her some input while she was writing it. At the beginning Michele addresses the people whom it is written, “To all those who dare to embrace the unpaved road into His heart and live out a yes-cry with their lives.”

invitationsupernaturalphotoI will never forget the day the Father gently spoke to my heart and invited me into the supernatural life. I had just finished reading the Gospel of John, Chapter 3, where Jesus said to Nicodemus, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3).

As I sat pondering Jesus’ words, I heard the still small voice of God the Father speak very clear, but so gentle to my heart, “You don’t really see do you, Byron?” I responded in somewhat of a matter of fact way, “Not really, Lord” and then He said, “I am going to teach you how to see.” I gave Him a yes-cry and have never stopped saying yes.

Within an hour it was game on and it has been an unpaved road of high adventure into His heart. It has been a four-wheel excursion off the highways of the Christian life and experience to which I was accustomed. Looking back on my entire life from childhood I see God had created and prepared me for revelatory experiences, to hear His voice, to encounter Him in visions and dreams.  

Going off-road is not always fun and easy. It can be tricky, bumpy, and unnerving at times and it can wear you down (see Daniel 8:27). I have been challenged, rejected, misunderstood, wrong, immature, discouraged and disappointed along the way, but the adventure is well worth it.

Many people have encountered the supernatural in the new age, eastern mediation or other occult experiences. These people have a grasp on the supernatural although it is perverted, but many sincere believers in Christ do not understand it and reject or even condemn it. That is wrong. How can we truly know a supernatural God when we reject or shy away from the supernatural?

I believe dreams, visions, revelations and spiritual encounters are part of the normal Christian life. Paul the Apostle, said, “Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ” (1 Cor. 11:1). Paul’s life was marked by dreams, visions, revelations and spiritual encounters. He confidently said they would always be a norm in his life (2 Cor. 12:2).  We just have not been living the normal Christian life as the Bible describes. 

Having gone down this unpaved road of the supernatural for several years now, I see more and more supernatural encounters are nothing more than ways in which the Father communicates His heart with His children who live in this present world.

They are not something that makes us special or something we should glory in since we are already special as His children. They simply help us to know Him and His ways of thinking and doing. They help bring understanding and clarity to written Biblical truths. They help bring clarity and focus to the Person of Christ. We will never live to our full potential apart from the supernatural.

Many Blessings, BW

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