Dear People Who Keep Company With God,

If we ever needed a fresh national level outpouring of the Spirit of God in our nation it is now. If you survey the entire Bible it is obvious that God is not reluctant to visit His people and the nations. In fact He comes and He comes often. I believe outpourings of the Spirit should be the norm and not the exception. One outpouring should prepare us and lead us to the next one. It would serve us well if we all became students of Holy Spirit outpourings.  If we would intentionally learn what to do and what not to do during an outpouring it would help prepare our hearts for the next one.

The first recorded outpouring in human history is found very early in Genesis.  Mankind had already drifted far from the Lord. I believe it gives us insight concerning our present situation in our nation and the church.

Then men began to call on the name of the Lord. Genesis 4:26

Jonathan Edwards stated in “The Distinguishing Mark of A Work of the Spirit of God”: “This seems to have been the effect of a remarkable outpouring of the Spirit of God – the first remarkable outpouring that ever was.”

I agree with Edwards, mankind calling on the name of the Lord was the effect of an outpouring of the Spirit of God and not the cause of the outpouring. I strongly believe in the role and power of prayer (James 5:16-18) in outpourings, but it is really God who stirs in our heart and calls us to pray for a greater release of His Spirit in the first place. Simply put, divine intervention into the affairs of man is necessary if we are going to experience a change of direction in our lives and in our nation.


In this particular instance, it is not recorded the way in which the Spirit of God intervened that provoked man to call on Him. I think that is significant, the one common thing I have discovered about biblical and historical revivals and awakenings; they all are different. God never does it the same way twice.  I believe this is because God requires humility. I have learned when the Holy Spirit moves that God will offend our mind to reveal our heart. In our church I have seen people get healed and people get offended in the same meeting. When the Spirit of God begins to move we all have an opportunity to get low. There is an old saying that applies here  “the same lamp that lights a house also attracts the bugs.

Another thing that seems to consistently happen when there is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit is an impartation of His wisdom. I believe in every move of God there are particular biblical truths that God desires to restore or renew to His people. As a minimum He desires to give us passion and hunger for the scriptures. I have found this to be true in my own life. Since we have experienced the Holy Spirit outpouring in our church I have received a much greater understanding of the Father Heart of God, the heavenly realm and the kingdom of heaven coming on earth.  In fact I have received a much greater understanding of the scriptures in general. If we will allow it He will open our minds to understand the scripture (Luke 24:45).

Finally, whenever there is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit our lives are always impacted for the good; when men begin to call on the name of the Lord with sincere and hungry hearts God manifests His power to those needing salvation, healing, deliverance and renewal. He is a good God indeed. God is stirring in our hearts afresh to call on His name.

Many Blessings, BW

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