Dear People Who Keep Company With God,

For years now I have been a student of the mind. I think I have given more attention to understanding the mind from a biblical perspective than almost  any other topic. Why have I done this? I believe it is something the Lord has led me into. Over fifteen years ago I was given a promise that one day the Lord would use me to heal minds and restore vision.

That word birthed a dream in my heart to see people healed of bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, suicidal thoughts, panic attacks, learning disorders, mental disabilities and on and on.  I have had a very, very limited amount of success in seeing this dream become a reality and that has motivated me to gain a broader and deeper biblical understanding of our minds and the power of Christ to destroy what the devil is doing to people. 

Along the way I discovered the mind to be the gateway to the spiritual realm. The Bible clearly tells us we have access to the mind of Christ, that is the way God Himself thinks (1 Cor. 2:16). If we are going to truly experience life transformation it begins with changing the way we think (Rom. 12:2).  We will never know the Lord intimately, be able to consistently walk in the Spirit, and experience the kingdom of heaven apart from changing the way we think (Matt. 4:17).

We are born into a world in which we get all of our information from our 5 natural senses. God gave us our 5 senses to serve us, but by default, they have become our ruler. Through years of improper programming, the enemy has been able to influence our way of thinking through bad experiences, negative words, lies and so forth, that come to us through our 5 natural senses.

The movie The Matrix is a good illustration of what is happening within our minds. The movie depicts a dystopian (dream world) future in which reality as perceived by most humans is actually a simulated reality or cyberspace called “the Matrix”, created by machines to pacify, subdue and feed off the human population.

Apart from Christ man really does live in a dark dream world and hardly even knows it. Romans 1:18-32 paints a very clear picture of the downward  spiral of the human race when Satan uses our minds to deceive us about God.

When we are deceived about God it is impossible to have a consistently right view about anything – yourself, the world, other people, your purpose in life and on and on. The right view of everything depends on a right view of God Himself. The only way to get a right view of God is to get it from the Father (Matt. 16:16-17). James 3:13-18 makes it clear that all other sources of information other than God cannot be trusted.

God has provided a glorious answer, a way of out Satan’s evil program. It is called the renewing of our minds and the first step is to put on the helmet of salvation (Eph. 6:17). It is placing the finished work of the cross upon our minds and living from the knowledge of what God has already done for us in Christ.

When we put on the helmet of salvation we are receiving grace, God’s power into our minds and our way of thinking will begin to be healed, renewed and protected from Satan’s evil ways.

Many Blessings, BW

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