Camp Morley Babysitting Fundraiser

Take the night off and help RiverLifers get to Camp Morley!

Feb 14

Feb 14

5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

RiverLife Kids

RiverLife Fellowship - Back Building

Drop your kids off at the church and let campers and church friends entertain them! All kiddos (potty trained and older) are welcome for a suggested donation of $15 per child. All funds will go toward the babysitter's camp cost. Pizza and snacks provided.

RSVP to Stacy [704-763-5389] to reserve your spot.

Looking for

We’d love to answer any question you may have about one of our upcoming events. Reach out to us by your preferred method and we’ll promptly connect with you.
+1 (704) 664-3540
2487 Charlotte Hwy, Mooresville, NC 28117
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