In September of last year, I crushed my left tibia, broke the area around my knee in 20 some odd pieces.Have lots of pins and plates, lots of pain. Want full use of my leg back.

Thursday after the three of you prayed with me and my boyfriend [in the Healing Rooms]about my knee I came home and the Lord spoke to me. I knew in my spirit I was to walk that night. If you will remember 1.5 miles was as far as I had gone prior to prayer and even then I had to stop and rest a couple times because of the pain. Thursday night the Lord said, “If you will walk 2 miles with every step I will bless you, with every step your leg will improve. As I walked I could just feel the presence of the Lord round about me in such a strong way. I walked my 2 miles, without stopping and at a faster pace than I had walked in the past year!!! I have had pain but I just remind myself that it is not real, it is the devil trying to steal my healing and I remind myself that 1 Peter 2:24 says “by HIS stripes we are healed”, not that we might be, or that we can be, but we are, as in already manifest!! I know my leg is stronger, it hasn’t been swelling and the pain is less than 1/3 what it was. I was running about 2 miles a day before crushing my leg. I told God that I wanted to run again, I wanted to be able to do what I did before. The Lord said “Not as you were before, but better than you were before”!!!

Amanda, receiving healing form our Healing Rooms Ministry (8.4.11)

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