Dear People Who Keep Company With God,


When Bob Jones spoke to our congregation concerning the season of the lions he stated that in the natural one of the lion’s enemies are flies. They can distract a lion to the point that they stop eating and if this goes on long enough, they will die. I did some research on flies and lions and below is a brief excerpt from a Wikipedia article.


“Lions in the Ngoronogoro Crater were afflicted by an outbreak of stable fly (Stomoxys Calcitrans) in 1962; this resulted in lions becoming covered in bloody bare patches and emaciated. Lions sought unsuccessfully to evade the biting flies by climbing trees or crawling into hyena burrows; many perished or emigrated as the population dropped from 70 to 15 individuals. A more recent outbreak in 2001 killed six lions.”


Spiritually, flies speak of lies (Matt. 12:25). Bob was exhorting us to pay particular attention to whom and what we believe in the season of the lions. The scripture makes it clear that outbreaks of demonic lies are being released in these last days (1 Tim. 4:1-2). The strategy is to get us so distracted and occupied with the lies that we quit eating – we cut off our communion with Lord and forsake the scriptures. If we continue in this we will become spiritually emaciated. Many times lies do not appear to be wicked, wrong or opposed to the truth on the surface, but they are very insidious and destructive if we believe them.


In the natural flies are sources of Cholera (digestive disease), Typhoid Fever (digestive disease), Anthrax (respiratory and a digestive disease), and Ophthalmic (vision) disease. So you can see lies attack our ability to receive His word, the Holy Spirit and our spiritual vision.


Dead flies putrefy the perfumer’s ointment, and cause it to give off a foul odor; so does a little folly to one respected for wisdom and honor. Ecclesiastes 10:1


As believers we have the high honor of being the “fragrance of Christ to God, to fellow believers and the world” (2 Cor. 2:15).  When we believe the lies of the enemy the fragrance in us becomes putrefied and we become a foul odor. The reason for this is what you think will become what you believe and your believing rules you; you do not rule your believing (Prov. 23:7). This is how Satan can actually rule over Christians, by lies. If we believe his lies, he can alter our attitude, values, and behavior. Basically we start thinking and acting contrary to who we really are. Instead of being people of wisdom and honor we become people of folly. We stink and do not know it as delusion and deception pollute our souls.


Jesus was accused by the Pharisees of casting out demons by Beelzebub, the ruler of demons (Matt. 12:25). Beelzebub refers to the Philistine god of flies, lord of flies or god of dung, since flies are born in dung (2 Kin.1: 2-16). Think about it, if we believe lies we are receiving the feces of demons into our souls. You can get a myriad of diseases and some are fatal if you consume something contaminated by feces in the natural. It is no wonder we become diseased in our minds and hearts when we receive the feces infected lies of the enemy into our souls.


One of the sure ways of discerning if you believe lies is the fear you are experiencing. As Arthur Burt said, “Fear is built on a lie, remove the lie and the fear will die.”  I am asking God everyday to reveal to me any lies I believe so I can get the blood of Jesus into those places and be healed and delivered.


Many Blessings, BW

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