Dear People Who Keep Company With God,

Last year in the midst of some of the most trying moments, I started thinking about writing a song. It was odd for me because I am not a songwriter and have never considered writing a song. It took me a bit, but I realized the Holy Spirit wasn’t talking about a song to sing, but a song to become.

new song photoIn Psalm 40, David tells of some of his times of difficulties and turmoil. And at the same time, he testifies about how good God has been to him, and how God had delivered him and gave him the victory over all his troubles.

“I waited patiently for the Lord and he inclined unto me and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God; many shall see it and fear and shall trust in the Lord.” Psalm 40:1-3

David said the Lord had put a new song in his mouth. The phrase “a new song” is used in several places in the Psalms and is typically connected with a time of difficulty (see Ps. 33:3, 98:1, & 149:1).

When we walk through those difficult times we are given an opportunity to receive a new depth and revelation of the Lord Himself, our identity, calling and purpose. The new song is an expression of what God has done in us.

David’s new song was not just a song of praise, but also a song of testimony. It would be a blessing to others. He sang his new song for others to hear, but he did more than sing. David made his new song visible for everyone to see.

We know how to sing, but how do you make a song visible for everyone to see? I think it is talking about becoming the new song that God puts in our mouth. Our life becomes a testimony of the goodness of the Lord, a reflection of the new revelation of the Lord, our identity, calling and purpose. The best songs are those that are lived.

God was encouraging me to receive new truth, revelation and blessings that He had worked into my life through the trying times. He was inviting me to learn to see Him and my life in a new way. He was encouraging me to not hang on to the old song, but allow the Holy Spirit to put the new song in my mouth.

I believe this is for us individually and corporately. Our hard times do not have to be a referendum on us. Like David, the hard times are meant to be identity shaping with God, not the hard times, doing the shaping.

The Father desires to make you into the new song. It is the song of the bride, the song of the bridegroom. It is the redemption song, the restoration song. It is a song of joy and gladness.

If we will surrender and still ourselves we will begin to hear Him singing the song. As you hear it allow it to go into you. It is His breath of new life, a new season.

Many Blessings, BW

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