Dear People Who Keep Company With God,

In every area of life, confidence is a key factor that makes the difference between success and failure. I know people who are educated, talented, skillful, come from great families with opportunities galore who never seem to capitalize on the favor or potential the Father gave them.

On the other hand, I know those who come from challenging backgrounds with little education, resources and even less promise, but are having great success in spite of all of this. What is the difference? I believe it may have to do with the virtue of confidence working in their hearts.  Without confidence we will never fully walk in the favor afforded us as kingdom sons.

confidence photoConfidence rewards us greatly and we are told to not lose it (Heb. 10:35). This tells me the enemy will go after godly confidence in us so we have to be on guard. This is especially true in times of testing and shaking; our confidence is sorely challenged.

When we are sifted we do not easily forget those gut-wrenching moments of disappointment, loss and failure, but the real danger is in the fear of future loss. Anticipating or looking over your shoulder for what bad thing is going to happen next will taint everything in our lives. It will drain you of your confidence and cause even the boldest of believers to become unsure, uncertain and afraid.

Similar to the difference between heavenly wisdom and earthly wisdom, godly confidence is different from self-confidence. One is virtuous and rooted in our identity as sons of the kingdom while the other is vain and obnoxious. One is heavenly and while the other is earthly, sensual and demonic. Godly confidence is a result of living a Christ centered life. When our lives are centered upon our self, we will soon lose the virtue of confidence and things will head downhill.

I define godly confidence as trusting and relying on the Holy Spirit’s ability to empower, protect and provide all that is needed for a supernatural life-style. An example of godly confidence is when Peter and John were brought before the ruling council (Acts 4:10-13). Their lives were at stake, but they never wavered a moment.

I believe the foundation for our confidence is, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13). This could sound like a prideful statement, but it isn’t. Paul was aware of his shortcomings and often felt inadequate in his own strength (2 Cor. 3:5). However, he confidently knew that God would strengthen, protect and provide for him in all that He called him to be and do.

When my confidence is shaken I do not try to compensate by resorting to carnal tactics such as control, manipulation or deception, rather I call to mind these three truths and my confidence is strengthened:

1. Whose I am and who I am: He is my heavenly Father and I am His child. I am a joint heir with Christ. The Holy Spirit is my friend. I belong. I am accepted and loved. I am already in. I do not have to try to get in.

2. My perception of who Christ is: He is the sovereign Ruler of this universe and He is my Lord. He is in ultimate control of all that happens in my life. Even when I fail or bad things happen He makes it to work for my good.

3. His promise to me: By His grace Christ is always present, providing, empowering, and strengthening me by the power of His Holy Spirit. I am never left to myself or abandoned. I have total access to His presence. I have His righteousness, peace and joy.

Many Blessings, BW


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