Dear People Who Keep Company With God,

There is a story in the Old Testament that the Lord showed me over fifteen years ago that I believe will help us to navigate these troubling times we live in. In fact, it reveals to us what to do when “we do not know what to do” (2 Chron. 20:12). You can read the entire story in 2 Chronicles 20:1-32.

Three nations, the Ammonites, Moabites, and Mount Seir came to make war with Judah. The background on these three nations is enlightening and certainly speaks of our generation. The Ammonites and Moabites were known for sexual perversion and rebellion. The people of Mt. Seir lived among the rocks and made their homes by chipping away at the rock. Sexual sins, rebellion and the erosion of faith are attempting to destroy our nation today just as they did in biblical times.

Here is some wisdom from heaven on what to do when you “do not know what to do.”

#1- Fasting & Prayer (verse 3-4): Whenever there was a true crisis both in the Bible and church history the first response of the people of God is to seek the Lord in prayer and fasting. Even Jesus did this (Matt 4:1-2).

#2 – Set your mind on the Lord (verse 12): In Hebrew the phrase “our eyes are on you”means to keep our thoughts focused on the Lord. We have learned so much in the last few years on the importance of the mind. If our thoughts are stuck in the natural realm then we are in for a very rough time. The storm we find ourselves in is similar to what Peter experienced when the Lord called him to walk on the water (Matt. 14:30).  This is a time to keep our eyes on Lord and not allow panic and fear to rule us.

#3 – Stand and wait before Lord (verse 13): Everyone including the infants and children were standing and waiting before Him. This is a remarkable verse. I believe when a family or church family in a crisis assemble themselves with the infants and children it touches the heart of the Father. When our family’s future is at stake it is not the time to act rash or make hurried decisions. To my knowledge, the only time Jesus told someone to do something quickly was when he told Judas to quickly betray Him (John 13:27). That should tell us something.

#4 – Receive the ministry of the Holy Spirit (verse 14-17): Then the Sprit of the Lord came” and it did not make sense; it was not good military strategy. Humility never makes sense and that is what it really takes to receive the ministry of the Holy Spirit. If we have learned anything in the last few years it is that His ways are not our ways, but in the end only His ways succeed. Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. 1 Corinthians 1:25

#5 – Praise and Worship (verse 18-19, 21): “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” 1 Thessalonians 5:18.  God is causing all things to work for our good so we can praise Him in all things. This alone can have a major impact on your life. Judah means praise. When Israel went to battle Judah always went first. Do it before you have the breakthrough and when the victory comes it will be sweeter.

#6 – Trust the Lord and trust the prophetic revelation He gives you (verse 20): The spiritual realm determines what takes places in the natural realm. God has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ (Eph. 1:3-4). The heavenly realm is where God has His provision for us.

#7 – Obey (verse 20): They rose early meaning they responded to what the Lord revealed to them. If you believe He has spoken to you there has to be a response of obedience and after that kingdom power is manifested. Pray, listen and obey.

#8 – Receive the blessing (verse 24-26): To receive from the heavenly realm we need to simply position ourselves before Him and freely receive by faith. We earn nothing with God. He has already paid for it all.

The Lord is truly a very present help in times of trouble (Nahum 1:7).

Many Blessings, BW

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